The 7 C’s of change

The 7 C’s of change is beneficial both as a descriptive and diagnostic tool. Each of the 7C’s defines the stages of the change cycle. In every stage, there are basics that must be determined to let the process implementing. The change cycle is very essential to identify the task, which is implemented for succeeding in the change process.

Choosing team
Look for excellent communicators.
Seek members that are well-organized and self-disciplined.
Find an exceptional project manager.
Find some one to leading the team
Hire the best fit for the role.

Crafting vision
Step 1: Define the team. ...
Step 2: Be transparent. ...
Step 3: Take stock. ...
Step 4: Hash it out. ...
Step 5: Call someone's if necessary. ...
Step 6: Get feedback. ...
Step 7: Finalize and communicate.

Connecting hard issues with soft issues
When management uses soft HRM, it views its employees as critical resources who are key to their long-term business strategies. ... Under the hard HRM method, employees are treated as resources needed to help the business operate, but their needs aren't considered.

Consulting with all stakeholders
Identify and track needs and expectations.
Identify and track perceptions and attitudes.
Provide feedback on specific planned developments.
Evaluate implementations and actions.
Establish the brand values and positioning of the corporation as seen by others.

Focus on the issue, not the person. ...
Be genuine rather than manipulative. ...
Empathize rather than remain detached. ...
Be flexible towards others. ...
Value yourself and your own experiences. ...
Use affirming responses.

Coping with the process
Lowering the expectations.
Asking others to help or assist.
Taking responsibility for the situation.
Engaging in problem solving.
Maintaining emotionally supportive relationships.
Maintaining emotional composure or, alternatively, expressing distressing emotions.

Capturing learning
Learning is ChangeChange is Learning. Those who learn and adapt faster have a competitive advantage. Organizations with a structured change management process and an organizational change management competency have the ability to learn and adapt faster with greater results.


Anon., n.d. Learning-is-Change-Change-is-Learning-Brochure-291.pdf. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 February 2020].


  1. widely explained about the 7C changes

    1. Thank you.7Cs in change management is very important

  2. Change management is a collective term for all approaches to prepare, support, and help individuals, teams, and organizations in making organizational change

  3. Change is rarely easy, especially when a habit has been formed. Go through the 7 C’s of change management and learn to manage it easier with neuroscience.

  4. Wow the 7c's model is also a very interesting approach towards the change management. Good info!

  5. This is a great topic for chief compliance officers (CCOs) and other compliance professionals,who lead teams under the most challenging of conditions. I agree with your selected 7'c s.

  6. The 7 C’s approach is a helpful shortcut in leading ourselves and others—succinct enough to be remembered yet deep enough in hard and soft skills to impact both thoughts and actions

  7. Considering organisation it has evaluation regarding annual progressive report which has to be run through the period as specified. The channels as you said needed to communicate and having understanding about the policy regulation.


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