Change Through Management Hierarchy

Change Through Management Hierarchy

Usually, the most important changing decisions are taken by the top-level managers of the management hierarchy. Lower-level managers and other executives are only implementing those changes. In such a hierarchy some time misses out small details of planning. Therefore, managers must know how to design for changes under such situations.

It is hard to implement vast changes under a management hierarchy structure. Organizations can implement some effective procedures to resolve this problem.

Keeping a specialized planning unit is the solution to overcome the said problem. This planning unit occupied with all levels of management and they are responsible for the smooth implementation of changes.

Involving external management consultants is an effective strategy and these consultants are skilled, expertise, professional in executing changes successfully. Employees are often less likely to resist changes when they are enforced and managed by outsiders.

Kurt Lewin's Three-Step Model

American psychologist Kurt Lewin has also suggested an effective strategy to implement changes in hierarchical structures. According to him, changes involve three steps.


Anon., n.d. business-management-and-entrepreneurship/recent-trends-in-management/change-through-management-hierarchy. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 February 2020].


  1. Changes in organizations are inevitable and successful change management practices will always benefit the organization as well as the employees. It is important to study major approaches to change management as part of HRM. Good article!

  2. As you said lower level management just implementing the decision made by top management. This is clearly explained in situational theory. lower level management has to make the correct decision because most of the time they can't be repeated to correct them.

  3. Great. indeed as your company grows the approach to management may change, therefore the change in the structure of your organisation to match the evolution in style or else will constantly struggle to push initiatives through a resistant bureaucracy. once you understand how to match business structures with management styles you can make the changes very smoothly. you can choose your business structure for each phase of your business so you can respond to changes in the marketplace and your company. Good article on topic !

  4. From change management hierarchy usually starts from top level and ending up with lover level management, I feel that sometimes its misses some large scale of experience if the management decisions taken by as department wise and collaborate every one the decisions will be more effective to company

  5. The term management hierarchy essentially refers to a structure of superior and subordinate rankings. virtually each tiny and enormous organization follows this structure. beneath this hierarchy, members of a company follow a hard and fast chain of command.

  6. As you correctly pointed out some important aspects of change management missed out when top to bottom approach is practiced. Instead organizations need to think of ways and means of applying bottom to top approach effectively to achieve organizational goals.

  7. As you said employees are often less likely to resist changes when they are enforced and managed by outsiders, the higher level should pay keen attention to this fact and hire the best and the most skillful for the change to to be achieved successfully.

  8. Change management through management hierarchy is a good concept to learn. This article has provided lot of information about it


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