ADKAR Analysis

ADKAR Analysis

The ADKAR model is a coaching tool used in change management. It assists to measure the involvement, support, and trust of employees.






The ADKAR model clearly shows a set of goals that management should make an effort to accomplish, Support of the team direct to successfully implementation of the change strategy.

Step 1: Spread awareness
Make aware of the features of change and the necessity of change.

Step 2: Inspire desire
Supporting employees to change and build desire in them rather than forcing them

Step 3: Impart knowledge
Conducting training programs, coaching programs, tutorials, and checklists to support employees to adopt changes. 

Step 4: Improve the ability
Support employees in improving their skills through evaluations and feedback.

Step 5: Reinforce the changes
Make sure that employees don’t go back to their old ways. In order to reinforce the changes, give incentives and rewards to employees.

Anon., n.d. change-management-tools-list/#adkar. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 February 2020].


  1. ADKAR is a five-step change management process which consisting with awareness, desire, knowledge, actions, and reinforcement. Awareness is the step that the business identifies the situation and the requirement of change or to overcome form a serious problem of a company.

    Desire involves with enhancing the wiliness of the employees for the change. Since the human are always resist for the change it is important to make the employees ready for change. This could achieve through proper communication with the employees where this communication needs to cover the hazard situation, the risk that the firm facing due to certain of prevailing issues, the requirement for change and the benefits both the company and the employees will have from the proposed change where such will increase the positive perception for the change by the employees.

    The knowledge involves with increasing the required knowledge and skills of the employees face for the change. With the proposed change the employees may need to face for a new environment which required new knowledge, skills, competencies whereas the business need to identify the skill gaps of the employees and provide those to perform in the new environment.

    1. Agreed. You have mentioned very important details. Thank you.

  2. Created by Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt, ADKAR is an acronym that represents the five tangible and concrete outcomes that people need to achieve for lasting change: awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement.

    1. Yes Divya. What you said is correct. The ADKAR model is a useful tool for helping individuals cope and plan for the change process, as well as monitoring their reactions as it occurs.

  3. The ADKAR model tells you what you need for successful change management. But you still need to know how to communicate the work to be done and effectively involve and inspire people throughout the whole process.

    1. Agree with your valuable opinion.Thank you.

  4. Out of all the different strategies we came pass for change management, the ADKAR model definitely stands out due to its simplicity and its ease to apply.

    1. Yes Shelton.What you said is correct. ADKAR model is a simple and can apply easily for change management.

  5. The ADKAR model is a 5-step framework that helps deal with the people-aspect of change management. Important article.

    1. Yes Anjanika. As you said ADKAR model consist with 5-step framework that helps deal with the people-aspect of change management

  6. The ADKAR Model offers a way to guide your team through a change process.

  7. In an organisation its vision depends as you said Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability , and reinforcement which creates two way channel between employees and HR related management.

    1. Yes Chamila. What you said is correct.Thank you.

  8. Every HR professional face the challenge of getting the employees ready for the change, your article gives a wide knowledge about how ADKAR could be used

    1. Agree with your comment. ADKAR model is one of best change management model used by many HR professionals.

  9. Change Management is a good concept that have to use strategies to handle the employees to the change.. HR will face many problems when implementing this


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