Change management

“Change management is the process, tools, and techniques to manage the people-side of change to achieve the required business outcome”-Josef Prosci

What is change management

Change management can be considered as a structured approach to moving ahead of the team and organization from a current state to a selected future state. This process designed at helping the organizational team in dealing with changes, both from individual and organizational levels in their current working environment. Organizational management can take action to influence the team in the transitions in order to support them in reaching the desired future state.

Organizations can change the following areas to perform successfully in the industry.

           * Mission, Vision, & Strategy
Organizations should focus on "What is the business and what should it be?" Answers to these questions can lead to changes in the organization's mission (the purpose of its business), its vision for the future (what the organization should look like), and its competitive strategy.

            * Technology
Organizations can transform their technology to increase efficiency and lower costs.

* Human-Behavioral Changes
Training can be provided to employees to provide new knowledge and skills to make changes in human behavior.

            * Task-Job Design
The way work is performed in the organization can be changed with new procedures and methods for performing work.

      * Organizational Structure
Organizations can change the way they are structured in order to be more responsive to their external environment. Again, to be more responsive to the marketplace, this also includes where decisions should be made in the organization (centralized or decentralized).

          * Organizational Culture
Entities can attempt to change their culture, including management and leadership styles, values and beliefs. Of all the things organizations can change, this is by far the ost difficult to undertake.

History of change management

When considering the beginning of the change management concept, it goes back to the early to mid-1900s. Until the 1990s that change management became well known in the business environment, and formal organizational processes became available in the 2000s.

1940 - Kurt Lewin’s 3-step model for change was established. 
1962 - Everett Rogers’ book Diffusion of Innovations was published.
1979 - Bridges’ Transition Model was developed.
February 1995 - The first State of the Change Management Industry report was published in the Consultants News in. 
2016 - The Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) announced a new certification to enhance the profession: Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP).

Reasons for organizational change 

There are many external and internal environmental reasons for organizational change. 

External factors of organizational change

  •      Challenges of growth, especially in global markets
  •      Economic downturns and tougher trading conditions
  •      Technological changes
  •      Competitive actions and pressures including mergers and acquisitions
  •      Change in customers’ demand and tastes
  •      Government legislation, initiatives, and policies
  •      Political drivers and changes in government ideologies
Internal factors of organizational change

  • Change in strategy
  • Need to learn new behavior and skills
  • The arrival of new personnel or the emergence of a new outlook
  • Low performance and morale
  • Innovations in new products and service design and delivery

Why organizations need change management

Changes are happening in every organization and new initiatives, projects are launched to enhance the performance, profits and competitive advantage. 

  • Succeed in an ever-changing world
Organizations are facing faster, complex and more cross-functional changes every day. Applying change management strategies enables organizations to succeed in the ever-changing world.

  • Close the gap between requirement and results
There is a gap exists in an organizational changing scenario between requirement and results, outputs and outcomes, solutions and benefits. Change management help to close the gap effectively.

  • Mitigate Mission-Critical Risk
The people side of change generates excessive risk and cost. Projects are subjected to “RE” costs like the redesign, rework, revisit, redo, retrain, re-scope, and in some cases, retreat. Change management is the discipline to help mitigate those mission-critical risks.

  • Take the Chance out of Change 
Changes in organizational practices is difficult and needs to remove the chance of variability connected with change by providing employees with the preparation, support, and skills they need to succeed in change.


Posci, n.d. What is change management. [Online] 
 Available at:

Posci, n.d. Definition of change management. [Online] 

Perkins, S. and Arvinen-Muondo, R. 2013. Organizational behaviour.People, Process Work and Human Resource Management.. 1st ed. London: Kogan Page.


  1. Nice topic. As you said Change management is important to close the gap between requirements and results and it tends to increase productivity as well.

  2. This article is classic guide to organizational change management best practices has been updated for the current business environment

  3. With the rapid development of each sector in the world, there is no doubt that change management is indeed a must factor in an organization for its success and existance. And the above mentioned facts are very true and helpful to get a clear knowledge of it.

  4. There cannot be any glance of development for any organization if their not following the concept of change management. And your article on that topic really emphasises it's effects and the information is very helpful!

  5. Very thorough article. In a world where the only thing that wont change is change itself, it is very important for the organizations to seek for new avenues to create better ways to manage these changes to minimize the negative impact on employees. Helpful!

  6. change management is the discipline that guides how we prepare , equip and support individuals to successfully adopt change in order to drive organisational success and outcomes.

  7. The secret of the change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old,but on building the all

  8. Change management is the ability to deal with change within your organization and its culture

  9. Change management is a collective term for all approaches to prepare, support, and help individuals, teams, and organizations in making organizational change.

  10. They state that change is the main consistent, and this expression is particularly significant to the administration world we face change as administrators each and every day and we have the duty of managing our groups effectively through these progressions sound. So as to complete this undertaking effectively, should follow as bellow:
    01 development change
    02 transitional change
    03 transformation change.


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