Change Management Models - Kotter’s 8 step change management model

Change Management Models

To achieve desired objectives in a constantly changing business industry, organizations are concerned about changing or upgrading their mission, vision, strategies, technology, human behavior, organizational structure, and organizational culture, etc.

Change management models have been established based on research and experience on how to manage change within an organization or personal life. Most change management models provide a supporting process that can apply to organization or personal growth. 

Managing changes are not always easy as while some employees readily accept the changes and others likely resist them. Change management processes are used for implementing changes effectively and to minimize the resistance towards changes.

Kotter’s 8 step change management model

Create climate for change

Step 1.   Create urgency - Create awareness on the need for organizational adaption towards the change. Changes are only successful if the whole organization wants it.

Step 2.  Create guiding coalition - Assemble an effective team of leaders committed towards realizing a change. Organize the team and hand over responsibilities to them. Make them feel that they are important to the organization.

Step 3.  Develop a vision and strategy – Develop a clear strategy in transforming a vision in to reality. Having a vision in change management process is a must and team members got to know that, what are the changes doing and why they are working on the change initiatives.

Engage and Enable whole organization

Step 4.  Communicate the vision – Confirm acceptance and understanding changes. Successfully communicate the strategic vision to employees, gaining support while reducing resistance.

Step 5.  Enable action – Eliminate barriers that impede transformation and empower employees to participate.

Step 6.  Generate short-term wins – Ensure progress of the strategy has short-term visible improvements. Quick wins are the best way to keep momentum going. By quick wins, team will have a great satisfaction and the company will immediately see the advantages of change initiative.

Implement and sustain change

Step 7.  Sustain acceleration – Combine gains and implement advanced changes.

Step 8. Institute change – Anchor these changes in the organizational culture for sustainable benefits.

Kotter’s model defines the needs for effective communication with employees at every stage in the process and limitation of the model include the lack of input from employees when developing a vision.


Perkins, S. and Arvinen-Muondo, R. 2013. Organizational behaviour.People, Process Work and Human Resource Management.. 1st ed. London: Kogan Page.

Anon., n.d. 8-elements-effective-change-management-process. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 February


  1. This is a great model, it narrows the steps for an effective change management and it is quite easy to get the essential information from its graphical representation.

  2. Indeed the kotter's model is a great. Its very easy for us to get a clear image of how change management should be implemented with its graphical representation and detailed structure.

  3. The main reason that Kotter outlines these steps is to emphasise that change is not a simple and quick process. Many steps of planning are required and even when the change has been implemented there is still a lot to do to ensure it is successful.

  4. The 8 steps in the process of change include , creating a sense of urgency , forming powerful guiding coalitions, developing a vision and a strategy , communicating the vision, removing obstacles and empowering employees for action, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains and strengthening change by anchoring change in the culture. Good read !

  5. The key to change is to let go of fear

  6. Since this is a step by step model, don't you think this is a time consuming process ?

  7. To make any change stick, it should become part of the core of your organization. Your corporate culture often determines what gets done, so the values behind your vision must show in day-to-day work.


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